Statistics in Action


Statistics in Action is structured to help advanced math classrooms cover all the Advanced Placement Statistics topics before the AP Exam. It is available in both print and digital formats, and provides comprehensive teacher resources, including implementation strategies, assessment tools, technology support, and supplemental enrichment materials.

With the first 11 chapters, students will cover the concepts, skills, explanations, and experiences they’ll need for success on the AP Exam. After the exam, teachers can focus on the last chapter, which integrates all the concepts in the book to form a course capstone. The second edition of Statistics in Action adds new features that provide extra AP support. AP Sample Tests are included for each chapter. AP Tip icons in the text alert students to pay special attention to certain concepts or procedures. “Model Answer” exercises give students practice with questions similar to those on the free-response portion of the AP Exam. In addition, the program’s technology use mirrors what students will need for the AP Exam.

The Statistics in Action eBook lets teachers open student eBooks with the simple touch of a button and provides split-screen views of student and teacher components. A Resources tab in both the student and teacher eBooks allows users to easily access sample tests, exercises, data sets, and technology support.